Tesla Readies Fleet of Model 3 Highland for European Export!

It looks like Tesla is all set to expand its reach to European countries.

A new drone footage, shot outside Gigafactory Shanghai plant, has emerged revealing that massive shipments of Tesla Model 3 Highland are being prepared for export across the Atlantic Ocean!

It appears that Tesla is Mapping out their global domination plans and it's best we take a closer look at what's going on here.

Model 3 Highland Deliveries are Set to Begin in October

It’s no surprise that Tesla has been making waves in the automotive industry as of recently with their most recent launch, aptly named “Highland” – a Chinese-made Model 3.

Constructed from the company's production facility located in Shanghai, this innovative vehicle will be sure to shake up both local and international car enthusiasts alike for its promise of design changes and new features.

One fresh feature worth noting is the Blind Spot Indicator (BSI). Taking into account how incredibly busy the roads have become in most countries around the world, this cutting-edge technology is an excellent way to ensure safety on long distance drives.

As reported widely recently, drivers of the Model 3 Highland will be able to benefit from a unique set of sensors integrated within their cars utilized to keep track of traffic surrounding them - a significant visual reminder for those distracted moments while driving.

Tesla has already launched sales for the Model 3 Highland series and deliveries are scheduled to punctually commence as early as October, reserving business over the next few months. This particular model is likely to be made available in various Asian and European markets, as well as other markets such as UAE and Israel.

Drone Images Show Massive Fleet of Model 3 Highland Getting Ready for Delivery

Drone Video Showing Massive Fleet of Tesla Model 3 Highland at Shanghai Gigafactory

A picture showing a massive fleet of Tesla Model 3 Highland was captured by a drone operator named Wu Wa in the midst of preparations for shipment outside mainland China. Taken from aerial view, the image was captured at Tesla's Shanghai plant that has now become an export hub specifically for Model 3s due to its immense production capabilities.

The photos taken by Wu Wa depict the initial delivery of this Model 3 batch – possibly to be delivered across international markets. Tesla's operations continue to expand across the world, with its presence in both China and Europe becoming increasingly prominent.

The company now boasts of 6 production plants in total – one hailing from China as well as two more located in Northern America and Western Europe respectively. Most noteworthy is Tesla's Brandenburg facility located near Berlin that engages solely builds electric Model Y cars for European customers.

Learn More: Tesla Model 3 Roof Proves to be Indestructible in Real-World Test!

No Clear Indication of Model 3 Highland Availability in US

It has been over a year since the engineering of the Tesla Model 3 Highland was initiated. This revolutionary build is expected to take off in U.S markets however no clear details or indications with regards to its actual availability have been released by Tesla yet.

At present, there are contract filings that have been spotted in various states across the U.S. Certainly, this has created a wave of curiosity amongst Tesla investors and car fans alike as to when exactly the Highland will be in service on domestic roads.

According to these filings, preparations for the availability have been ongoing over the past 13 months prior to its current stage – allowing speculation that it may soon go into production.

However, many also note the un imminent availability may be due to design changes from previous models that might need further approval from external sources before it can finally hit the showroom floors.

While no exact date has been specified by Tesla for a potential U.S launch, car enthusiasts nationwide remain curious as to when they'll get a chance to view this particular model of vehicle up close and personal in their own backyard.

Since the engineering blueprints are completed, all that's left is just a matter of when the company begins building and receives all the necessary approvals from the relevant sources.

For now – with a series of Tesla-inspired art pieces publicly visible in California, it could be argued that while tangible vehicles are yet to come – their ideology is already taking shape!

Fremont and Texas Gigafactories have Already Started Receiving Updates for Highland 3 Production!

Tesla has taken a huge step forward in their Highland Project recently, as they have completed the line upgrades at the Fremont Factory and later transplanted them to Gigafactory Texas.

At first, the line upgrades were applied to their Fremont location midway during Q2 2023. During Tesla's 2nd quarter earnings call, CEO Elon Musk mentioned that a week-long production halt was needed for the installation and implementation of these new upgrades at their Fremont Factory.

Though the Fremont Factory is Tesla's primary factory, Gigafactory Texas still was not left behind. This week, the upgrades were also applied to their Texas-based facility. These line upgrades have been highly anticipated for months as they are essential for production of the highly anticipated Model 3 Highland!

Learn More: Tesla Steering U-Turn: Yoke on Model S & X Now Available for $1,000!

The Bottom Line

Tesla's European export of the Model 3 Highland is undoubtedly coinciding with Tesla's global expansion plans. With images being leaked of the model getting ready for transportation across Europe, we may just expect it to be in production in other countries soon.

This new Model 3 variant looks promising and could turn out to be a treat for car enthusiasts when released on the market. It'll be exciting to see how Tesla's Model 3 Highland fares in other parts of the world and watch as it takes over as a leader in electric vehicles! 

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