Tips and tricks to help extend your EV’s battery lifespan

Electric vehicles are eco-friendly, and they provide a more convenient way to go anywhere you want when compared to traditional vehicles. However, the main drawback of any EV is the battery lifespan. It’s limited, which means that, at one point, your battery might need a replacement. Yet, there are ways to extend your EV’s battery lifespan. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind!

Minimize exposure to very high temperatures

One of the best things that you can do in order to increase your EV’s battery life is to minimize high-temperature exposure. Heat exposure is an issue for batteries for a variety of reasons. The main one is that most EV’s have a temperature control system installed by default. That system will automatically try to lower temperatures in order to ensure your battery works at the expected levels. However, in doing so, it will drain your battery’s power and thus shorten its lifespan.

How can you counteract this problem? Ideally, you want to keep your EV in a space without significant heat exposure. Parking your car in the shade instead of direct sunlight will also help. These simple things can make a difference when it comes to your battery’s lifespan.

Avoid dropping or knocking the battery

The EV battery can sustain some damage by design; however, that comes with a cost. It will end up reducing its lifespan, especially when it comes to repeated abuse. Not only that, but taking the battery out often, dropping it accidentally, all of these things can lead to leaks or chemical exposure. Ideally, you want to take your EV to a technician and not touch the battery or sensitive parts by yourself. That limits any potential issues that can appear.

Only use an original charger

Some people want to save money, and instead of getting an original charger, they go for a third-party model. The problem with third-party products is they don’t have any long-term tests, so you’re gambling with their efficiency and quality. Plus, chargers made by the original manufacturers are made specifically for your car model. That means they boost the EV battery performance while also avoiding surcharges or any other problems.

Try to avoid frequent charging

One of the issues that many EV owners face is that their battery life shortens due to constant charging. It’s a good idea to charge the battery when it’s very close to discharging or even fully discharged. Charging it too often will lead to long-term damage to the battery cells. Sure, you can try to charge it often a few times if the situation requires that, but keep in mind it’s not recommended.

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Manage the optimal charge of your EV

You need to avoid situations when you don’t use your vehicle for quite some time. Try to use it from time to time to prevent battery issues. Also, if you leave the vehicle unused for a bit, don’t leave it fully charged, as that will degrade the battery life. Instead, the charge rate should be anywhere from 25% to 75%. It still protects your battery while also having some energy needed when you want to drive your vehicle.

Don’t keep your battery at 100% (in general)

It might sound like a great idea to keep your battery 100% charged, but that’s not a good idea at all. It will give you more battery duration for a while, yet in the long run, it will degrade and lower the efficiency of your battery. We need to keep in mind the fact that EV’s have their own battery management system. That system prevents the battery from being discharged, and it optimizes the way you use it.

Fast charging brings comfort, but it lowers your battery’s lifespan

That’s the thing: fast charging is not something you want to use often. It forces your battery to charge quicker, and that’s not healthy for its long-term efficiency. Sure, it can be great if the battery is about to run out and you need to drive as quickly as possible. The issue here is that using it often will place a lot of strain on the battery. It will end up reducing its capacity, something that becomes problematic after 5-10 years of use.

Improve your driving habits

Aside from taking good care of the battery, you also need to improve your current driving habits. Things like accelerating too quickly, hard braking are going to cause energy loss, and that’s not ok for your battery. Charging your battery as often as you can while trying to avoid keeping it at 100% all the time is also going to help.

Plan your charging times

It’s a good idea to try and plan your charging times to ensure that your car charges at the same time every day, if possible. That way, you can avoid fluctuations between long and short charges. Having a smart charger that stops after reaching full capacity (or any capacity you want) will help. You can avoid unnecessary heat generated by stressed battery cells, not to mention your battery lifespan increases this way.

Perform software updates and regular maintenance

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You should also consider updating the EV’s software because it might have certain battery improvements as well. On top of that, regular maintenance is a must-have, especially if you own an EV. It will help identify any possible problems while addressing them and not having to deal with any repercussions or expensive repairs.

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Use the regenerative braking system (if available)

Some EV’s have a system called regenerative braking. What it does is it captures energy generated when braking the car. Then, it stores the energy within your battery. It can help extend the battery lifespan, not to mention it reduces wear and tear on your brakes.


It’s always important to try and find ways to extend your EV’s battery life as much as possible. Thankfully, there are different ways to achieve that, as you can see from our list of tips and tricks. It always comes down to driving carefully while not putting too much strain on your battery. Regular maintenance, along with software updates and keeping your car away from high temperatures can also have a positive impact on your EV’s lifespan!

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